by Chinese Ambassador to Zambia, H.E. Mr. Du Xiaohui
Today, changes unseen in a century are fast evolving. All countries are confronted by multiple risks and challenges rarely seen in history, and human society faces multiple security dilemmas like never before. What security concepts does the world need? How can countries achieve common security? These are the important questions of this era facing us all. In April 2022, Chinese President Xi Jinping put forward the Global Security Initiative (GSI) for the first time and systematically explained China's position and proposals for promoting security for all in the world and safeguarding world peace and tranquility, and advocated unity in adapting to the profoundly adjusted international situation, and a win-win approach in dealing with complex and intertwined security challenges.
The GSI has been warmly received by the international community upon its introduction. Over 80 countries and regional organizations have expressed their appreciation and support. China not only has put forward the GSI, but will also take action to deliver on this major initiative. In order to further enhance the international community's understanding of the GSI and respond to the expectations of all parties, on February 21, 2023, Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang announced the release of the GSI Concept Paper, which demonstrates China's commitment to maintaining world peace and its firm resolve to protect global security.
The GSI Concept Paper explains the core concepts and principles of the Initiative. Staying committed to the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security provides conceptual guidance; Staying committed to respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries is the basic premise; Staying committed to abiding by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter is a primary benchmark; Staying committed to taking the legitimate security concerns of all countries seriously is an important principle; Staying committed to peacefully resolving differences and disputes between countries through dialogue and consultation is a must choice; and Staying committed to maintaining security in both traditional and non-traditional domains is an inherent requirement. These six commitments are interlinked and mutually reinforcing, and are an organic whole of dialectical unity.
The GSI Concept Paper clarifies key cooperation directions. The Paper lists 20 key directions on the most prominent and urgent security concerns of the international community at present, and has a clear action orientation. they are: Upholding the UN’s central role in security governance; Promoting coordination and sound interactions among major countries; Facilitating peaceful settlement of hotspot issues through dialogue; Tackling traditional and non-traditional security challenges; and Strengthening the system and capacity for global security governance. China calls on all parties to carry out single or multiple cooperation in aspects including but not limited to the above ones, so as to pursue mutual learning and complementarity and to jointly promote world peace and tranquility. The Paper further put forward proposals for cooperation platforms and mechanisms. On the basis of existing mechanisms, China promotes the establishment of more global security forums to provide new platforms for governments, international organizations, think tanks and social organizations to leverage their advantages and participate in global security governance.
Without peace and security in Africa, there will be no stability and prosperity in the world. Supporting Africa’s development is the common responsibility of the international community. China is the world’s largest developing country, while Africa is the continent with the largest number of developing countries. China and Africa have always been a community of common destiny that shares weal and woe. Realizing enduring peace and universal security is a common aspiration of the Chinese and African peoples. China has proposed and promoted the implementation of China-Africa Peace and Security Cooperation Fund projects to provide various support to African peacekeeping and stability efforts. China has also actively participated in UN peacekeeping operations with nearly 2,000 Chinese peacekeepers currently on duty in Africa. In addition, China has been constructively involved in mediating hotspot issues in Africa, and played a constructive role in improving the security governance and peaceful development of Africa.
Maintaining peace and security is the common aspiration of people all over the world, and requires the joint efforts of all countries. To deal with risks and challenges, unity and cooperation is the right way. Hegemonism, power politics, Cold War mentality and bloc rivalry will not work. Zambia is an important country in Southern Africa and plays an important role in regional peace and security affairs. China and Zambia are "all-weather friends" enjoying traditional relations, and have firmly supported each other in safeguarding sovereignty, security and development interests for a long time. China is willing to strengthen exchanges and communication with Zambia, to enrich the content of the GSI, deepen bilateral cooperation in the field of peace and security, jointly safeguard the overall interests of African countries and developing countries, and contribute to the maintenance of long-term peace and stability of the world.