By H.E. Mr. Du Xiaohui, Chinese Ambassador to Zambia
In early March, more than 5,000 deputies from the National People’s Congress (NPC) and members of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) convened in Beijing to discuss state affairs, bringing with them proposals representing the most immediate aspirations of the people. These two significant annual sessions on China’s political calendar garnered attention from around the world. They demonstrated to the international community that China’s Whole-Process People’s Democracy under the leadership of the CPC has brought tangible benefits to the Chinese people. This proves that China has successfully developed its own path to democracy that suits to its national conditions. Chinese modernization, marked by Chinese democracy, provides a Chinese solution for mankind’s exploration of a better social system.
Democracy is a common value shared by all humanity, not a privilege reserved to a specific country or organization. Chinese President Xi Jinping once used a folk saying as a metaphor: “Only the wearer knows if the shoes fit or not.” As human civilization is diversified, democracy should also take on various forms. It goes against the spirit of democracy to judge diverse political systems with a single standard or to view the colorful political spectrums of human society with a narrow vision. There is no such a thing as a perfect or superior democratic system, nor is there a model of democracy that fits all countries. Zambia has earned great reputation in Africa for its strong democratic tradition since its independence, especially its well-organized elections and peaceful handover of power, and have equally engaged in international affairs with other countries. Zambia has developed its own path to democracy that suits its national conditions. To fundamentally evaluate a democracy, we must consider whether the people play an active role in governance, whether their needs are heard and met, and whether they lead fulfilling and happy lives. In short, it’s up to the people of a country to judge the quality of its democracy.
The notion of democracy should not be employed as a political instrument for arbitrary manipulation. The essence of the “Summit for Democracy” to be held by the United States is to form factions in the field of international relations and incite camp alignment and ideological confrontation. The US has built “Democracy versus Authoritarianism” into its underlying logic and core narrative, and has intervened in the Taiwan issue under the pretext of “Defending Democracy”, thus raising tensions across the Taiwan Straits. We can’t help but ask: Who keeps stirring up discord and instigates a new “Cold War” that divides the world along ideological lines? Who keeps interfering in the internal affairs of other countries and undermining their sovereignty under the guise of democracy, even resorting to unlawful means such as violence to export its own system for its political agenda? Who evades discussions about the United Nations and International Law, attempting to replace international rules with those of its exclusive bloc and establish an international system led by itself?
Democracy should not be used as a justification for disparaging other civilizations. As the world is undergoing accelerating changes unseen in a century, humanity is facing unprecedented risks and challenges. It is imperative that the international community unite and collaborate. The US, acting out of its own selfish interests and drawing lines by its own standards, artificially labels countries around the world as “Democratic” and “Undemocratic” by holding the “Summit for Democracy”. Recently, the US State Department released the “2022 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices”, which, in disregard of each country’s own system, laws, cultural characteristics and historical evolution, made accusations and smears against the human rights status of Zambia among other countries. Above activities by the US are not only an affront to the diversity of global civilizations, but also an anti-democratic act under the guise of democracy,which neither benefit international unity and cooperation nor advance global development. We should embrace diverse value systems with an open mind rather than imposing our own values on others or inciting ideological conflict.
One will not be seen in a more favourable light after blowing out others’ lamp; nor will they go farther by blocking others’ paths. True democracy means different forms of democracy can coexist, thrive, and contribute to the advancement of human civilization. China is ready to work together with Zambia and others to advocate the common values of humanity featured by peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom, and actively promote democracy in the international arena. We firmly oppose all kinds of pseudo-democratic, anti-democratic acts and political manipulation under the guise of democracy, and dedicate to build a community with a shared future for mankind.