Esteemed Senior Chief Mukuni,
Distinguished guests,
Ladies and gentlemen,
I am very much honored to join you at the Bene Mukuni Ceremony.
Senior Chief Mukuni, you have been long committed to China-Zambia friendship, making great contribution to closer tourism, agricultural and educational cooperation between our two countries. You are a practitioner, builder, and champion of China-Zambia friendship. I always hold you in high esteem. The Bene Mukuni Ceremony commemorates the hard journey that the ancestors of the Leya People made from the place which is now the southern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo to here, demonstrating the perseverance, tenacity and enterprising spirit of the Zambian people. I wish to express sincere gratitude to you for the contribution you have made over the years, and pay high respect to your great Leya People.
Tradition lends great wisdom for us to address today’s challenges. In the past week, Zambian and international media have been paying much attention to what Zambia has achieved at this stage in debt restructuring. China, staying committed to our all-weather traditional friendship, deals with the Zambian debt issue within the G20 framework and serves as co-chair of the Official Creditor Committee(OCC) as requested by Zambia. China has never pressed for payment, attached any political string or tried to hype up the debt issue. As we work on the issue together, China keeps close interaction with Zambia and provides maximum support for Zambia in order to make major progress in the debt restructuring. In this regard, I would like to share with you three observations.
First, the traditional China-Zambia friendship was jointly established by the older generation of the leaders of both countries. Its development has been witnessed by President Xi Jinping and President Hichilema, whose 29 correspondences with each other are the best testament to the constant advancement of our bilateral relations. Second, mutual respect, mutual benefit and common development are always important principles for the all-weather friendship between our two countries. Third, the goal of solving issues of mutual concern promotes the advancement of bilateral relations.
China and Zambia are good friends who respect each other. Successive Governments of Zambia stay committed to the One China Principle and always give China precious support on the Taiwan Question and other matters concerning the core interests and major concerns of China. China upholds the guiding principles of policy toward Africa, namely sincerity, real results, amity and good faith, as well as the principle of pursuing greater good and shared interests put forth by President Xi Jinping. China accommodates the biggest concern of Zambia, and works together with Zambia in safeguarding international fairness and justice. The Monze Milling Plant built with aid from China helps guarantee food safety in Zambia, and the education and health facilities in Monze, initiated by President Hichilema and funded by the Chinese Embassy in Zambia, help address the concerns of local residents and improve their wellbeings.
China and Zambia are good partners who pursue mutual benefits. Kafue Gorge Lower Hydropower Station(KGL) in the Southern Province, built by a Chinese company with financing support from Chinese financial institutions, is now in full operation. It has created thousands of local jobs and trained a number of outstanding engineers and highly-skilled workers. Its five sets of power generators with a installed capacity of seven hundred and fifty plus twelve(750+12) megawatts account for twenty two percent(22%) of Zambia’s total power generation. The project has already generated more than 5 billion kWh of electric power for Zambia, and is expected to reduce six hundred and sixty-three thousand and five hundred (663,500) tons of carbon emission each year. That is meant to significantly mitigate the energy shortage of Zambia, consolidating Zambia’s position as net exporter of electricity, and effectively secure the power supply in Zambia and southern Africa at large.
China and Zambia are good brothers who enjoy common development. With the preferential zero-tariff policy for ninety eight percent(98%) of the taxable export products from Zambia to China, our bilateral trade reached six point seven three(6.73) billion US dollars in 2022, up by thirty point two percent(30.2%) year on year. Zambia enjoyed a trade surplus of four point seven seven (4.77) billion US dollars. Advantageous Zambian products such as fresh blueberries and honey have made their way to the Chinese market, bringing excellent “Made in Zambia” products to Chinese consumers while creating tangible benefits for Zambian farmers. Zambia is a tourist destination country for China and offers visa-free entry for Chinese tourists. The magnificent Nsyungu Namutitima ( Victoria Falls ), the vast southern land and the hospitable local people will attract more Chinese tourists to Zambia, especially to the breathtaking Southern Province, thus creating more local jobs and realizing common development.
As the Chinese Ambassador to Zambia, I will continue to serve as a bridge connecting Chinese investors and tourists with Zambia. I hope the Zambian Government can protect the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizens in Zambia, and leverage Zambia’s comparative strengths in promoting China-Zambia pragmatic cooperation, so as to usher in a new stage of all-dimensional and high-quality development of the all-weather China-Zambia friendship.
I wish Senior Chief Mukuni and all the guests good health.
I wish the ceremony a great success.
May China and Zambia enjoy long-lasting friendship.
Thank you.